F. E. Hardcastle & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Average Agents, Marine Surveyors & Assessors
and Claims Settling Representatives
The India-based Surveying and Loss Adjusting Firm with a Global Outlook™
F. E. Hardcastle & Co. is now celebrating 107 years of service to insurers worldwide.
Our Main Voice/Telephone Numbers:
+ 91 / 22 / 2263-8300 (Head Office Main Exchange)
+ 91 / 22 / 2266-4671 (Old Main Number)
+ 91 / 22 / 2263-2839
+ 91 / 22 / 2266-4270
Jethalal Mansion
10 Bank Street Cross Lane
Mumbai - 400 001 INDIA
E-Mail Addresses:
Survey Department: Survey.Dept@FEHardcastle.com
Claims Department: Claims.Dept@FEHardcastle.com
Finance Department: Finance.Dept@FEHardcastle.com
Directors' E-mail Addresses:
Dorab N. Khandalavala, Director: Dorab.Khandalavala@FEHardcastle.com
Gitte S. Jensen, Director: Gitte.S.Jensen@FEHardcastle.com
Hira S. Dalal, Director: Hira.Dalal@FEHardcastle.com
Created and Maintained by: Webmaster@FEHardcastle.com
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